Correos Corporativos allows Resellers to offer coupons to their Customers via the Coupon Engine. The Coupon Engine allows a Reseller to create the most common coupons such as - 10% off on Hosting, 20% off on .COM domains, etc. Moreover, Resellers can also create conditional Coupons that qualify on purchase of other products - example, 20% off on .NET domains on purchase of a .COM domain.
To Create Coupon(s) through the Coupon Engine
Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. See details
In the Menu, click the Coupon Engine tab.
Here, click the Create New Coupon button.
Provide the following details and click the Generate Coupon button to create the Coupon:
Coupon Code: This represents the Coupon name. Your Customers will be using this code in the cart to avail the discount. Example, if you want to offer 20% on .NET domains, your Coupon Code could be NET20.
Coupon Description: Provide a brief and informative description for your Coupon such as 20% off on .NET domains. This description will be displayed to your Customers when they redeem the Coupon.
Start Date: Click the icon next to this field to set the Start Date. The Coupon will be valid from 12.00 am GMT/UTC on the Start Date.
End Date: Click the icon next to this field to set the End Date. The Coupon validity will expire at the stroke of mid-night as per GMT/UTC on the End Date.
The discount applies to: Select the Product(s) for which you wish to offer a discount. The Coupon will be applicable for all selected Products.
Once you select the Product(s), you need to specify the below details:
For Domain Registration: Domain name extension, action type (New Registration or Transfer), discount amount and discount in (% or Selling Currency value)
For Email Hosting, Web Hosting (Single and Multi Domain Hosting), Reseller Hosting, VPS Linux Hosting and Dedicated Server: Hosting Product type, Hosting Plan, discount amount and discount in (% or Selling Currency value)
For Website Builder: Website Builder Plan, discount amount and discount in (% or Selling Currency value)
Does the coupon require a purchase of another product?: Select Yes if you wish to offer the discount only on purchase of another Product. For example, you may choose this option to specify that the Coupon can be used only on purchase of a .COM domain name. Choose the Product that needs to be purchased to avail the Coupon.
Once you select the Product(s), you need to specify the below details:
For Domain Registration: Domain name extension, action type (New Registration or Transfer) and Order duration
For Email Hosting, Web Hosting (Single and Multi Domain Hosting), Reseller Hosting, VPS Linux Hosting and Dedicated Server: Hosting Product type, Hosting Plan and Order duration
For Website Builder: Website Builder Plan and Order duration
Otherwise, select No.
The number of times the coupon can be used in all: This figure indicates the number of times the Coupon can be used totally, by all your Customers taken together.
The number of times each customer can use the coupon: This figure indicates the usage limit per Customer. Enter 1 here if you want each Customer to use the Coupon only once.
The no. of orders to which the coupon can be applied: This figure indicates the number of Orders the Coupon can be applied to. For example, you have created a Coupon that offers 20% off on .NET domains and your Customer has 5 .NET Orders in his shopping cart; enter 1 here if you want the discount to be applied to only one .NET domain.
To Modify a Coupon
Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. See details
In the Menu, click the Coupon Engine tab.
Here, all Coupons created by you will be listed. Click the Edit link for the Coupon you wish to modify, under the Options column.
Make the required changes and click the Update Coupon button.
On the next screen, confirm the changes by clicking the Okay, I've confirmed everything button. You may click the << Go back and Make Changes link to return to the previous page for further changes.
To Delete a Coupon
Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. See details
In the Menu, click the Coupon Engine tab.
Here, all Coupons created by you will be listed. Click the Edit link for the Coupon you wish to delete, under the Options column.
Click the Delete Coupon button at the bottom of the page and then confirm the deletion.
To View Coupon Reports
Login to your SuperSite 2 Admin Area. See details
In the Menu, click the Coupon Engine tab.
Here, all Coupons created by you will be listed. Click the View Reports link for the Coupon whose report you wish to view, under the Options column.
The Report will display the below information about the Coupon:
Coupon Code: This indicates the Coupon Code.
Coupon Redemptions: This indicates the number of times the Coupon Code has been used, alongwith the number of times the Coupon can be used totally, by all your Customers taken together.
Customer ID: This indicates the ID of the Customer who has used the Coupon.
Invoice ID: This indicates the ID of the Invoice against which the Coupon has been used.
Discounted Amount: This indicates the discounted amount offered against the Invoice ID mentioned above.
Coupon Used on: This is the description of the Order against which the Coupon has been used.